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Art Gallery

Michelangelo Paintings from the Sistine Chapel
Come with us to Rome. Our image map brings you the painstakingly restored paintings by Michelangelo of several Biblical stories from the book of Genesis. If you didn't know it already, the Bible has been and continues to be one of the great sources of artistic inspiration as well as spiritual illumination.

Sources of Symbolism in Christianity
Christianity is, and always has been, a faith that finds expression in highly visual ways ... through painting and sculpture, image, icon, symbol, design, and other non-verbal means. We take a look at the principal varieties of Christian symbolism, both traditional and contemporary.

The Jesus Gallery
Our growing collection of photos, drawings, bobble heads, icons, place mats, bumper stickers, roadside signs and other images of Jesus that proliferate in popular culture. The good, the bad and the ugly. The sad, the funny and the satirical. And some that are actually imaginative and inspirational.

The Jesus Video Gallery
From the serious to the satirical, Jesus is the focal point for many of the most popular videos circulating on the world wide web. Check out the latest and most popular here.

Let There Be Light: The Beauty of Christianity in Stained Glass
Neil Ralley's photographs of the stained glass windows in some of the most beautiful churches of Europe and North America offer a treat for the eyes as well as the soul.

An Illuminated Easter
The Easter story as told by stained glass artists in some of the most beautiful churches of Europe and North America

The Holy Land: A Journey Through Time and Space
A photo journalistic tour of Israel featuring sacred sites in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, etc. Guided by Charles Henderson.

The Face of Jesus
Artists across the centuries have attempted to picture the face of Jesus in paintings, photos, drawings, movies, images, icons, sculpture, and now even computer wallpaper. Before asking what this all means, let's consider a few of the outstanding examples ...

The Most Popular Picture of Jesus
Warner Sallman's "Head of Christ" is the most popular image of Jesus ever made. It is an icon of American culture. It also raises a host of questions about Christianity, the historical Jesus, and the faith of those who identify with this painting.

An Affair to Remember
Florence holds out one of greatest opportunities for inspiration as well as education about the history and art of the Christian tradition. The Ufizzi Gallery is a case in point.

Seeing One's Own Land and Faith From a Distance
A View from Paris, Part 1: The Photography of Dorthea Lange and the Lessons of Islamic Art

Asking Heretical Question
A View from Paris, Part 2: Where or What is the House of God?

Paintings and other Images of Mohammed
A discussion of the controversy surrounding publication of satirical cartoons about the Prophet

Madonna's Crucifixion
In the pop singer's "Confessions on a Dance Floor" tour she poses on a giant cross, wearing a crown of thorns, against a backdrop of projected images showing children from Africa who are victims of AIDS and other calamities. Religious leaders around the world have risen up to condemn this, calling it "heresy" and "blasphemy." I find her message inspirational. Here's why.

Nature's God
The Hudson River School was the first coherent movement or "school" of American art. This group of painters, several of whom lived and worked in the Hudson River region, went about their work with an awareness that they were capturing not just the colors and shapes of the natural world, but the living presence of what the founders of the republic referred to as "Nature's God." This theme is important in 21st century spirituality and ecology as well.

Barcelona's Sagrada Familia: A Statement of Faith in Stone
Barcelona's Sacrada Familia cathedral is very much a statement of faith in stone. As it continues to rise above this spectacular seaport city, it celebrates at once the glory of God and the beauty of the the natural world.

The Maltese Cross
This cross has a long history. It has been associated with the Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as the "Knights Hospitaller." This order began with the establishment of a hospital in Jerusalem, and has long been associated with caregiving, but also took on military duties, eventually becoming a powerful, military force with vast properties and great wealth.

More Crosses

What the New Testament Says About Freedom
You might be surprised.


Charles Henderson

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The Rev. Charles P. Henderson is a Presbyterian minister and is the author of God and Science (John Knox Press, 1986).  
A revised and expanded version of the book is appearing here.
God and Science (Hypertext Edition, 2015).
He is also editor of a new book, featuring articles by world class scientists and theologians, and illustrating the leading views on the relationship between science and religion:
Faith, Science and the Future (CrossCurrents Press, 2017).

Charles also tracks the boundry between the virtual and the real at his blog: Next World Design, focusing on the mediation of art, science and spirituality in the metaverse.  

For more information about Charles Henderson.
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